For each property listed for sale, we have developed a sophisticated marketing presentation package which includes the following materials:
Colorful marketing brochure or flyer, customized to highlight the key features and selling points of the subject property.
Customized Parcel Map identifying the location and dimensions of the subject property. Aerial photos outlining the location and terrain of the subject property.
Any additional information pertaining to the subject property such as current zoning approvals, land use approvals, master planned zoning approvals, site plans, rent rolls, or income and expense reports will be customized for a professional presentation for brokers, agents, investors, and prospective buyers.
We print color copies of the marketing package, which are kept on hand for distribution to potential buyers and local real estate offices. I will also personally contact and discuss the property with well knowm acquisition companies and investors that maybe interested in purchasing the property, as well as email the marketing package to brokers, agents, investors, and prospective buyers who I know personally that may have interest in purchasing the property.
I hire a professional sign company to install a 4 foot by 8 foot or 8 foot x 8 foot “For Sale” sign on the subject property displaying my name and contact information. A large, eye catching sign will generate calls from interested parties passing by the property. Using a special number located on the displayed sign allows fast information to be given directly to their phones, called a Text Rider. The text number provides instant details at any time to any agents, brokers, or buyers allowing me to receive their information immediately from my phone so I can continue to follow up with them.